Ark Industries

Singapore T-shirt Printing Quality 

How are you going to find out the best T-shirt Printing companies in Singapore?
That is a difficult question. If only we could go to each company and inspect them one by one.
But that will be tedious not to mention unrealistic.

So here, we’re going to go through a few criteria on judging the quality of T-shirt printing services in Singapore.

  1. Printing Method Varieties

How many kinds of t-shirt printing methods does a printing company provide? Most companies will usually have the big three of the printing methods. Heat Transfer, Silkscreen and Sublimation. Each has its own unique points, benefits and specialties. 

But deeper knowledge of these methods is a must and should not be taken lightly. A small trivial issue that is ignored could be a cause of a disastrous t-shirt printing job. 

So a printing company should not only have a wide variety of printing methods on t-shirts but they are also expected to know the ins and outs of these methods that they offer which leads us to the next criteria… 

  1. Quality, Durability and Accountability

For custom printing services, you might think that the only way for you to see the quality of the print is when it’s already done because even if you have been presented with a computer-generated layout, chances are the outcome might still be different. Colors are different from your guidelines, printing size looks smaller than you’d expect or other unforeseen changes has been done without you knowing all about it. 

So a quality t-shirt printing company should make sure that their clients feel secured that their custom prints will result to what was agreed beforehand. Like having an actual printed sample cut piece that will be followed all through out, providing proper callouts on any important changes/notes, or giving the best printing advice for any situation. 

  1. Customer Experience

First of all, as a client, what you need to get is to be heard. Were they responsive? Were all your questions answered clearly? Were they efficient and precise?
Because what you’ll want during the order stage is to make sure that everything to go smoothly and all of your concerns are being answered on a reasonable duration of time.  

  1. Track Record

Withstanding a couple of years in this industry is hard, but being market leaders is really something. It takes some serious dedication and hard work to improve and stay relevant in today’s times. 

This should already be one strong reason why you would expect good printing quality (or any type of service) from them. 

So in conclusion, how do you find out if a company provides good quality t-shirt printing services?
A short and simple answer would be is how a company operates as a whole and their attention even to small details.
Just from how easy to use the website is to how you receive your orders in great condition. 


And as an embroidery and printing specialist here in Singapore, Ark Industries is now nearing its 15th  year (as of this writing) in the business have always strived to tick all the right boxes and gaining steady growth along the years. Be it embroidery on an Adidas Polo Tee or name printing on Under Armour Polo tees, Ark Industries has proven to be among the top T-shirt Printing companies in Singapore and a trusted partners of different premium international brands. 

So give us a call today at +65 6352 0988, send us a message using the form below or email us at for a high quality t-shirt printing experience.


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