Ark Industries

Tips On Choosing A Supplier To Do Silk Screen Printing

Finding a reliable and competent supplier providing silkscreen printing services in Singapore is crucial in ensuring beautifully printed artwork on apparel. Here are some points you can ask potential companies that provide silkscreen printing Singapore services:

1. “Who have you printed t shirts for?”

This question is good to provide you with assurance that the supplier is reliable and credible. Most suppliers may not be able to name the actual organisations they have done silkscreen printing for, but if they have samples or photos of their previous jobs, that will be good proof.

2. “What designs and apparel have you printed on before?”

To find out the level of competency in silkscreen printing Singapore, ask the potential supplier for an array of samples that ranges from silkscreen print of simple text to more complicated artwork. Suppliers may show you cut piece samples of the silkscreen print. Try to ask for actual tees or apparel with silkscreen print on them to see how they fare in the positioning of the text or artwork on actual clothes such as t shirts.

3. “What apparel do you have on sale that can be silk screen printed?”

A silkscreen printing Singapore supplier that provides a holistic, one stop service that includes selling a range of non-branded and branded apparel such as adidas or Under Armour tops as well as silkscreen printing services should be preferred. A supplier that cares deeply about the end result will consider offering good quality apparel to you, on top of providing good prints.

4. “How do I ensure that I am paying for good silkscreen printed tshirts?”

Find out what the process in confirming the job is like. Does the supplier rush you into confirming the order without providing a visual mock up of how the artwork looks like on the tshirts? That should not be the case. Ensure that you get to see a sample of your print on the tshirt before the bulk of the tshirts get printed. Look out for colour accuracy and clean edges in the prints on the tshirts. Colours should be rich and vibrant.

Suppliers should also advise to edit the artwork if details such as fine lines cannot be silkscreen printed. Graphic designers who do not have experience in creating artwork that are print ready may provide you with artwork that is not able to be silk screen printed.

Artwork with gradients will need to be converted into a Colour Separated file in order to be silk screen printed. Silkscreen printing process involves printing 1 colour at a time. The different colour layers need to blend in well together to eventually produce a stunning gradient effect.

5. “How can I make my silkscreen prints look even better?”

Check with your potential suppliers if they are able to do special effects with the silk screen print. Effects such as puff prints, glow-in-the-dark, high density prints and glitter effect can enhance the visual impact of your silk screen printed apparel. The perceived value of your printed apparel will be greatly increased.

6. “How much will my printed t shirts cost?”

A silkscreen printing Singapore supplier keen to provide a good service will provide a reasonable quote and the service will be holistic. Not only should you be promised that you receive high quality prints on good t shirts, you should also receive the t shirts that are well-labelled and professionally packed. You should feel that the price you are paying is all worth it.

7. “When will the t shirts be ready?”

A responsible supplier should provide regular updates and be easily contacted. The account manager should be approachable and allows you to ask questions. The lead time of the t shirts should be reasonable and not delayed after agreed upon.


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