Home T-Shirt Printing How to Choose the Perfect Company Polo Shirt

How to Choose the Perfect Company Polo Shirt

Choosing the perfect company polo shirt, especially custom polo shirts Singapore, is more than just picking a piece of clothing; it’s about creating a connected and professional look for your team that reflects your brand’s identity. At Ark Industries, we understand the importance of making the right choice, and we’re here to guide you through the process. In this article, we’ll explore the essential factors to consider when selecting polo shirts for your company.

1. Understanding Your Needs

Before you start shopping for company polo shirts, it’s crucial to define your specific requirements. Knowing exactly what you need will help narrow down your options and ensure that the polo shirts you choose will be perfect for their intended purpose.

Purpose of the Polo Shirt:

  • Uniform: Will the shirts be used as daily uniforms for your employees?
  • Events: Are they for a special event or promotion?
  • Gifts: Are you planning to use them as corporate gifts?

Who Will Wear It:

  • Employees: Consider the work environment and daily activities.
  • Clients: If the shirts are for clients, think about their preferences and expectations.

2. Fabric Choices

The fabric of a polo shirt significantly influences its comfort, durability, and overall appearance. Selecting the right fabric ensures that the shirt meets the needs of your team and aligns with the image you want to project.

Fabric Description Pros Cons
Cotton Natural fibre, soft, and breathable Comfortable, absorbs moisture Wrinkles easily
Polyester Synthetic fibre, durable Wrinkle-resistant, quick-drying Less breathable
Cotton-Poly Blend Mix of cotton and polyester Balanced comfort and durability Can be less soft
Performance Fabrics Designed for athletic wear Moisture-wicking, breathable Can be expensive

Pros and Cons of Each Fabric:

  • Cotton: Great for comfort and breathability, but may wrinkle and shrink.
  • Polyester: Durable and wrinkle-resistant, but can feel less breathable.
  • Cotton-Poly Blend: Offers a good balance between comfort and durability.
  • Performance Fabrics: Ideal for active use due to moisture-wicking properties but can be pricier.

3. Fit and Style

Choosing the right fit and style for your company customised polo tshirts is essential to ensure that they not only look good but also feel comfortable for the wearers. The fit and style of a polo shirt can influence the overall appearance of your team, the comfort of the wearers, and the professional image you want to project. Here are some different fits and styles available for polo shirts and how to choose the best options for your needs.

Different Fits:

  • Regular Fit: Standard fit, suitable for most body types.
  • Slim Fit: Tighter around the body, offers a modern look.
  • Relaxed Fit: Looser fit, ideal for comfort and casual wear.

Style Options:

  • Classic Polo: Traditional design with a collar and buttons.
  • Pocket Polo: Includes a pocket for added functionality.
  • Performance Polo: Designed for active wear, often includes moisture-wicking fabric.
  • Long-Sleeve Polo: Provides more coverage, suitable for cooler weather.

4. Colour Selection

Selecting the right colour for your company polo shirts is a critical step that impacts brand representation, employee satisfaction, and the overall aesthetics of your uniforms. The colour of the polo shirts should reflect your brand identity, be appropriate for the intended use, and be appealing to those who will wear them.

Brand Colours:

  • Ensure the polo shirts match or complement your brand’s colours.
  • Consistent branding helps in brand recognition.

Popular Polo Colors:

  • White: Clean and classic.
  • Black: Sleek and versatile.
  • Navy: Professional and less prone to showing stains.
  • Gray: Neutral and modern.
  • Bright Colours: Eye-catching and energetic, suitable for promotions.

5. Branding and Customization

Custom polo shirt with your company logo and other elements are key to making them unique and reinforcing your brand identity. Effective branding and customization not only make the polo tee design shirts stand out but also help in creating a professional.

Logo Placement:

  • Left Chest: Most common and professional placement.
  • Right Chest: An alternative option.
  • Sleeve: Subtle and stylish.
  • Back: Bold and noticeable.

Additional Customizations:

  • Embroidery: Durable and professional-looking.
  • Screen Printing: Cost-effective for larger designs.
  • Heat Transfer: Good for detailed and colourful logos.

6. Cost Considerations

Balancing cost and quality is crucial when purchasing custom polo tee Singapore for your company. While it’s tempting to opt for the cheapest option, investing in quality can lead to better durability, comfort, and brand representation.

Budgeting for Polo Shirts:

  • Determine how much you are willing to spend per shirt.
  • Consider the total number of shirts needed.

Balancing Cost and Quality:

  • Higher quality often comes at a higher price.
  • Evaluate the longevity and wearability of the shirt versus the cost.

7. Supplier and Quality

Choosing a reliable supplier and ensuring the quality of the polo shirts is critical to making sure your team looks professional and feels comfortable. The supplier you choose plays a significant role in the final product’s quality, durability, and overall satisfaction.

Choosing a Reliable Supplier:

  • Look for suppliers with good reviews and a solid reputation.
  • Consider suppliers that offer samples before bulk orders.

Checking Quality:

  • Examine the stitching, fabric quality, and fit.
  • Ensure the customization options meet your standards.


Selecting the perfect company polo shirt involves careful consideration of various factors such as fabric, fit, style, colour, branding, and cost. By understanding your needs and evaluating each aspect thoroughly, you can choose a custom polo shirts Singapore that not only looks great but also represents your company in the best possible way. At Ark Industries, we are committed to helping you create polo tee printing that not only unifies your team but also makes a lasting impression. Take your time to assess different options and consult with suppliers to ensure you get high-quality polo shirts that meet your expectations.


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