Ark Industries

3 Differences between 2D Embroidery and 3D Embroidery

What is the difference between a 2D and 3D embroidery? First of all, let us look 2 pictures for comparison.

Pic. 1 : 2D embroidery Pic. 2 : 3D embroidery

The first difference in 2D and 3D embroidery is very obvious, 2D embroidery is flat, where-else 3D embroidery is raised, creating a 3 dimensional/ pop up effect. How is 2D and 3D embroidery created? For 2D embroidery, the design/logo to be embroidered is fed through the computer, digitized and the embroidery machine picks up the design and starts to embroider directly on the fabric.

For 3D embroidery, the density of the embroidery is increased to such a great extent that the embroidery looks thick and 3-dimensional. This requires special skills and digitization on the part of the technicians.

The second difference between 2D and 3D embroidery is the simplicity and boldness of design. 2D embroidery allows for very complicated designs with a maximum of 9 colours per design and more details, like a picture or very complicated logos. 3D embroidery is not suitable for designs like pictures. 3D embroidery is more suitable for simple and bold designs like brand names in words, or simple graphical logos.

The third difference between 2D and 3D embroidery is cost. 3D embroidery will cost approximately twice that of 2D embroidery. That is because the manual work needed for 3D embroidery is much more intricate and requires much more time and effort than 2D embroidery. The raised up 3D embroidery is also specially designed to not go out of shape and to not shrink and is expensive to produce. 3D embroidery technology is also not widespread in Singapore, there are only a couple of companies that specialise in 3D embroidery in Singapore, and Ark industries is one of them. This means that there is higher cost involved in recruiting, training and retaining our production specialists as this is a highly sought after skill.

As a consumer, what should you choose then? The 2D embroidery or the 3D embroidery? As a rough gauge, 2D embroidery is usually used on all types of fabrics and surfaces, for example Polo Tees, Scarves, tote bags and even golf bags. 3D embroidery is usually used for items that does not require regular washing like Caps. To check whether your design will translate nicely to 3D embroidery, you can reach out to us and our team of designers and production specialists will be able to advice and even modify your design to make it suitable for 3D embroidery, if desired. What if cost is a major concern? 2D embroidery is affordable and we have packages for you, where you can pair an embroidery with an apparel for a special bundle pricing.  At Ark, we produce one of the best embroidery in Singapore, with a local production team and local design team working closely together, to bring you convenience, peace of mind and quality assurance. We are also able to do last min/rush orders should you require.

Is the embroidery company important? Should I choose a cheap embroidery company? There is vast difference in quality between a reputable embroiderer and a cheaper embroiderer. A good embroidery will be high in density, such that the design looks more vibrant and neat. A low quality will have the bare minimum of threads and will look sparse and bare. Before a reputable embroidery starts embroidery work, a special technician will even look at the design and think of how to embroider it best, such as which direction the threads should be facing for the optimum effect. Regardless of 2D or 3D embroidery, it will look nicer if it is done by a professional embroiderer.

Do contact us at +65 63520988 or send us a message below to find out more about our products and services.


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